Dieng Plateau

Dieng derived from the Sanskrit "di" which means a high place or mountain and "Hyang" which means heaven. By combining these two words, it could mean that "Dieng" is a mountainous region where the gods and goddesses residing.

Cold, cool and beautiful, that's panorama Dieng Plateau. Tourism which is about 30 km north of Wonosobo, or about 55 km east of Banjarnegara. Dieng Plateau in the district of Wonosobo and Banjarnegara. From these two districts, the most dominating Banjarnegara tourist objects. Dieng Dihyang comes from the word meaning in the days of kings Khayangan Rake warak Vanara Dyah 809 years BC, as a sacred place to meditate.

In Dieng

Argo Tours Tambi

Widely spread on the slopes Sindoro, with the height of 1200 to 2000 meters above sea level. The temperature in this region ranges between 15 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius. PT Tambi manages three units of tea plantation is located in the village Bedakah, Tanjungsari and Tambi village in the area reached 829 ha equipped tourist lodge facilities, fishing ponds, tennis courts, playgrounds and gardens and tea factories.

Serayu River Rafting
This special interest tours utilize Serayu rapids along the river 12 km from the village by village Tungguro to Singomerto. Accommodation facilities, souvenirs and other hand pieces are available in the villages around. This location was used as the site of the Kejurnas Rafting in 1997.

The crater Kendang
This area is on the edge of the crater lake and this color can only raise the voice sounds like a typical Java called "Kendang". Apart from this crater, there are many other craters that can be seen around the area of Dieng Plateau tour.

Crater Sikidang
Active crater visited by many tourists and can be seen from the lips of the crater, there were bursts of lava and clouds of smoke and peculiar smell of sulfur. Apparent crater holes filled with water and gray lava, which gemulak and boiling, often move even jump like a deer.

Tourism Object Mrica

Tourism water in! utilizing dam Soedirman Commander, which is the largest dam in Southeast Asia. Facilities are available for a boat tour around the reservoir, fishing arena, stage entertainment and outdoor playground for children equipped with a mini train. Location hilly and lush with beautiful trees add to the appearance of this tourist object.

Wildlife Recreation Park Serulingmas

This recreational park facilities rmrempunyai swimming pool, entertainment stage, children playground and park wildlife and rare plants. Also has become a tourist destination for tourists to remember that there is attraction in the park wildlife recreation Serulingmas adequate.

Telaga Menjer
This lake is the largest natural lake in the district of Wonosobo. Location is at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level with an area of 70 hectares and the water depth reaches 45 meters. Menjer lake is located in the village of Maron Garung district, located about 12 kilometers north of Wonosobo regency.

Tuk Bimolukar
This area is a spring with a fountain made of ancient stone. According to the story, the name is where the Bimolukar Bima Sena switch (off) clothes to be purified. Serayu headwaters are believed to be the spring that could be a drug of youth.

Arjuna Temple Group
This Hindu temple group of temple Arjuna, Semar temple, the temple Heroine, Puntadewa temples, and temple Sembadra. Group is estimated to be built this temple is not at the same time. Long ago, the temple was used as a place of worship.

Hair Ngruwat Gembel
This ritual is a tradition of living in the area around Kejajar district, 17 kilometers north of the town of Wonosobo. Around this region many small children who have tangled hair, which according to the story is a surrogate of Kyai Kolodete. And trash is considered "timber" that must diruwat, through a ceremony tradition "Ruwatan". The ceremony is usually performed after the child's direct request or jejaluk (in Javanese language) to his parents. Demand is sometimes difficult to fulfill. Strangely when traditional ceremony for the child beggars Ruwatan not carried out at his own request, so even been shaved will grow tangled again.

Village Community Nyadran Suran Pagerejo
This ritual is similar to that implemented in the hamlet Gianti, also commemorated every 1 month Asyuro date (month Java). In this ritual, the villagers are Pagerejo district Kertek solemnize is being bathed in Surodilogo.

Village Community Nyadran Gianti Suran
This ritual is a ceremony commemorating the anniversary Gianti hamlet, village district Duchy Selomerto usually followed by a ceremony with village Merdi Tenongan to then continue the traditional art performances all night long. Gianti hamlet known as tourist village in the district of Wonosobo.

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