Gong Cave

No wonder if Pacitan in East Java, known as the "City of Thousand Goa". Strewn across the caves are very easy to visit anyone.

The existence of cave became the most dependable attractions by Pacitan. To the point, there are funny sentence that reads, "Not to Pacitan if we have not walked his famous caves". Two well-known caves, including Goa and Goa Gong wasp.

Goa Gong
Goa Gong in limestone hills located in the village of Bomo, PUNUNG District, about 30 kilometers from Pacitan City. The path to cave is very good so they can use a motor vehicle intended any kind. Even so, remain worthy of skeptical, road winding caves and berjurang sharp.
Entering the cave, we are immediately treated to stunning scenery. Panorama in the cave so beautiful. Limestone stalactites and formed stalakmit naturally decorate the cave walls and the sky. Growing exotic landscape watered by a stone when light of different colors at the same time for street lighting.

Stalactites and the size range stalakmit seen towering and sturdy on the floor or the sky caves. Space in a very large cave. The place is falling down, begins when we entered the cave mouth.
The silence in the cavern increases typically by the dripping of water from the sky caves. Landscape walls and shiny by the reflection of light diffraction on a wet wall. Then, the occasional gusts of wind a faint buzzing our ears whispered to participate in the peaceful atmosphere dissolves into the world under the earth so adorable and invites our imaginations wander into prehistoric times.
We do not need to worry, in a cave already available lines of artificial walkthrough so that visitors safe and comfortable. Or, we hired a guide service lines from the local residents as well as gain insight into the history of cave knowledge conveyed these guides.
Goa Gong claimed as the most beautiful caves in Southeast Asia. Pacitan, even proud of this country deserve a claim usually made by foreign tourists. Access to Pacitan was very much for being on the southern tip of Java. But, however, this cave must be visited. A stunning masterpiece of nature.

Source: kompas.com
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